Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Yep, everything is okay. After dealing with a fever fluctuating between 101 and 103 yesterday, my little man was brought to the walk-in by his wonderful Daddy. Guess what they found? Nothing. Nada. No ear infection, no strep, everything "checked out" as they said. Well, that's good. So, he continued to rest, then woke today with a 99 temp and a new outlook on life. He has been playing in his room this morning- superheroes and blocks- and I hear random howls of high pitched "wooooooaaaaahhhhhh"s and "aaaaaahhhhhh"s floating down the stairs. Because, you know, superheroes like to say "woah" and "ahh" a lot. A lot.

So as he is healing nicely, and my frazzled mind is slowly returning to normal (normal?), I am sitting outside, watching my beautiful daugther flutter through the yard with a magnifying glass calling, "butterfly, come back!" She decided to search for bugs today. The expedition began with an observation of red ants, "Mommy, I can see the three body parts!", and just a few minutes ago, a yell of, "I found one! Look what I found!" Her sheer joy of finding a tiny caterpillar on a vine growing in the middle of our yard was contagious. I couldn't help but smile. The funny thing about finding a caterpillar in our yard- well, it's really not that hard. We have a butterfly garden growing (quite profusely) and a butterfly cage to observe the lifecycle of the few types of caterpillars we are able to "capture". But she found this caterpillar on her own. Her own discovery.

So, here it is. A new day. And you know what? We're okay.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jeannie!
I have been sitting (on my couch with my new Macbook mind you :)) with my first cup of coffee reading your blog. Everyone is still sleeping, very odd around here. I got up so I would have time to exercise, but instead here I am. Oh well.
Kevin gave me the link so I came to check it out!
You have a flair for this! Very interesting ... great job. Those kids are just beautiful. Sounds to me that you are a beautiful person too, inside and out.
I had started a blog a long time ago, did not stick to it. I do not have a way with words, no flair here :)
How are you enjoying your birthday gift?
Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

I need to be you for like one whole day just to get my fill of that good stuff you got goin on there! Oh and the haircut is just too cute! Bet