Sunday, April 22, 2007

Take Care of your Mother

Earth that is. (But you should take care of your Mommy, as well...)

My family has slowly been making strides toward living a more "green" life. A few things we are doing:
*Recycling as much as we can
*No more paper towels or paper napkins, now we use white bar towels and cloth napkins
*Started a compost pile
*Eating as organically as possible
*Replaced the majority of our lightbulbs with the Compact Fluorescent bulbs, and will continue as other light bulbs need replacing.
*Making some cleaning products as well as using eco-friendly cleaning products
*Researching a hybrid for our next vehicle

The biggest reason I have for making these changes? My children. My grandchildren. My great-grandchildren. I want to know I did my best to leave a good earth for future generations.
To quote an Ancient Indian Proverb:
"Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children."

Want to do something to help?
Go Zero -- allows you to convert your air travel to carbon neutral. You make a donation based on miles flown, they plant equivalent number of trees to zero you out.
GreenDimes -- removes you permanently from junk mail lists, and every month you're a member, plants a tree on your behalf.
Earth 911 -- gives you accurate, local information to protect your community’s environment.
American Forests -- They will plant a tree for every dollar you donate.
Engines Off -- A mom started this site to raise awareness of the poor effects of keeping your car idling while waiting.

It seems in so many instances, our children's safety is out of our hands. If you had the chance, wouldn't you want to change that?

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