Friday, March 12, 2010

Day Six

So, we've made it to day six. Tomorrow this sweet child will be a whole week old.

Here's the thing. There is the rational part of my brain. And then there is this overwhelming irrational part that likes to take over way too often.
Rationally, I know that all babies grow up. Rationally, I know that we would most likely go insane if our babies never grew up and stayed at the newborn stage. Rationally, I know it would be extremely difficult to bring a newborn home from the hospital to a house with 3 other newborns. That's what would happen if I brought my newest baby home to my house where my 3 other children (the 3 children who have stayed newborns for the past 8, 6, and 2 years) live. Rationally I know there is a reason babies only stay babies for a certain amount of time. We do need to get on with our life, watch these sweet innocent beings come into their own. Learn, grow, explore...

But! But there is that sneaky little irrational part of my brain. The part that says NO! No no no no. Nononononoononono! It is not right for babies to grow up! This is the best part of life- the sweet noises- squeaks and grunts. Sneezes and yawns. Smiles that materialize while they are falling asleep. Rooting around on the side of your face while making little "uh uh" sounds. The wiggly fists as they are stretching. The smell of their little head. How incredibly unbelievably soft their hair and cheeks and hands and tiny little feet are. How miraculous these sweet little beings are. How can I not want that to last forever?

Seriously. Forever. And ever and ever. And ever.

6 days old

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