Monday, April 16, 2012

It's amazing what a little illness can do to good intentions.  I've missed a few days... luckily, I think I'm the only one who noticed.  A few pictures summing up the time missed:

Just a little sisterly love.  These two amaze me.

Dressed for Easter.  Jake was sick, so the two bigs attended church dressed in their Sunday best.  They sang in the church choir for two masses, and did beautifully.

Our dyed eggs.

Jake feeling better to join us for Easter dinner.

Lily was stung by a wasp (thus the white gunk on her leg - AKA baking soda).  She was so upset, nothing a nice thing of coconut water won't fix.

Our field trip to learn about bugs of decomposition.

A few days later, Lily wasn't feeling so well.  Fevers are the pits.  She was happy to watch her Elmo.

The two girls again.  Watching a show cuddled up together.

Finally up to date.  Today was a fun bike ride, followed up by a "popsicle party."

Showing off his rip-sticking skills.

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