Saturday, August 22, 2009

Something New

I've decided to do something new to try to keep things fresh.  You know- Fresh!  Exciting!  Gripping!  Riveting!  Or maybe it's just something to keep me posting more often.  
What is this novel idea, you ask?  Well, let me tell you!
It will be on Fridays (or in today's case- a day very close to Friday).
I am calling it "Flashback Friday".  What do you think?  Fresh?  Exciting?  Gripping?  Riveting?
Well, it turns out I have so many pictures from so many decades (yes decades) that are too magnificent not to share, so- I'm just going to share.  Novel, no?   
Well, here goes...
Happy Flashback Friday (or- in today's case- Saturday).

This is a picture of my mother and grandmother from July 4, 1953.  I believe they were visiting cousins in Kansas City.  (I'm sure my mother will correct me if I am mistaken.)

I think "weeeeeeeee!" would describe it best.  Do you agree?

1 comment:

Mom said...

Oh, Jeannie - what a wonderful picture! yes, it's Kansas City - dig those crazy socks, girl!