What is it about trains and little boys?
It starts as curiosity, then so quickly you almost miss it- it moves to a consuming passion.
You begin with maybe a few trains, a couple pieces of track. Next thing you know, you have a train table, buckets of trains of all colors and types. Metal, wood, electric, noisy... Then you move on to train conductor hats, train whistles, it becomes all consuming.
And then it seems, as you reach the train pinnacle and you feel you can't handle one more "choo choo", one more "chugga chugga", the obsession begins to wane. But when that happens, you realize, it wasn't only your child touched by this train magic. You start to try to persuade your child to join you in some train time. You build big, elaborate train tracks, complete with hills and turns, and maybe a few twists. You start making the "choo choo" and "chugga chugga" sounds. Then you turn around and find you are playing with the trains. Alone.
How do I know all this? How, you ask, have I become this consummate self-proclaimed expert? Well, you see, I've been there before.
And this is how it all begins... Choo choo love.
Oh, and just so you know? You are in for some major turbulence when the train playing is coupled with helmet wearing. Big Trouble. Huge.
Happy Love Thursday, everyone. Check out more via Chookooloonks.
Like you said before, we have one of "those kids" ... You know that wear their helmets in the car while driving .. or just playing with trains. :)
Such a cute post. I'm glad you have someone to choo-choo with again. :)
Happy Love Thursday!
happy love thursday...all aboard!
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